Portland Monthly Mag On 503/971 Show

Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA) is to open the first juried undergraduate exhibition in its brand new Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Center for Art and Design on Thursday (April 2), but with a twist: For the first time, the college is opening the show to art students from four other Portland colleges and universities.

The exhibition—entitled 503/971 after the two Portland area codes—will feature works not only from PNCA students, but also from students of Reed College, Portland State University, Lewis and Clark College and Oregon College of Art and Craft.

The show aims to illustrate and appreciate the variance in college-level art programs, and to consider PNCA’s position within Portland’s art scene from “a trans-institutional perspective”.

Organized by two PNCA students, Joseph Greer and Joseph McGehee, 503/971 will be juried by three contemporary art curators from Portland: Libby Werbel of the Portland Museum of Modern Art, Kristan Kennedy of the Portland Institute of Contemporary Art and Robert Snowden of Yale Union. 

The Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Center for Art and Design is PNCA’s new home in Portland’s North Park Blocks. The refurbished former post office building houses the 5,000-square-foot New Commons where the exhibition will be presented.

 503/971 opens on April 2 in PNCA’s New Commons, and runs through April 29.
