Say hi to the babushkas, they are finished and here to stay on this Portland wall for the next three years!
Many many thanks to everyone who's supported this project!
It's been an amazing experience. In a way I can't believe I've never worked this large before. It feels so normal and natural now. And all I can think of is where to find another wall to paint ?
I had to take a break for a week because of the rain. A little drizzle isn't a problem for painting a mural, but the downpours we've been having are problematic for applying water soluable paint to an outside wall.
Thoughts and reflections
I am learning yet again that I am an alla prima painter. Not that all my paintings are done in one session, but my approach to making a painting is to move quickly, making changes in response to what is happening on the surface. Plein air painting is like that as well: gotta chase the light while it lasts, make a gesture in one breath.
I am glad that I created a smaller painting first before approaching my first mural, but for my next one I definitely plan on using my normal studio approach of just winging it. The spontaneity and discovery are too important. Also this larger scale and the public nature of the work demands attention also demands much more thorough consideration.
My image selection is the same as my painting process: intuitive and reactive. I don’t consciously consider too much, I intuitively respond to an image that I find compelling. But making something this large and this permanently installed in a public place makes me feel like I need to take a step back and really consider.
I’ve heard it time and time again that most of contemporary figurative painting is about identity politics. I’ve been toeing that line, dancing around it for a while now. But something about putting my work in a public space pushes me to fully admit that it applies to me. I am working with heritage, cultural inheritance, norms and customs passed through socialization and unconscious absorption from the environment. Painting this mural, and especially stepping back and looking at it now that it’s done, brings into focus the need to clarify and put more words to anchor the images I make.
I paint archetypes, I create my own pantheon. But it’s not a particularly diverse one. Perhaps I am a worshiper of a chthonic matriarchal cult of the crone.
But then I am not a worshiper either. I bring forth to examine and clarify as much as to pay respects and acknowledge.
More of an archivist really, whose work is both to preserve and critically examine.